Friday 13 May 2016


I have attempted to recreate an ancient method of archery practice, based on a text from the manuscript, 'Arab Archery'. 

This is the first step towards mastering shooting from all directions on horseback. It begins on foot, shooting at targets ahead, behind and either side of you without moving your legs. From there the archer moves on to shooting on horseback while stationary, then while galloping, and finally while charging.

Just this first stage was remarkably difficult, even at this short distance (ten yards) particularly when shooting to the right. I would surmise that the anchor point would have been the breast, as it seems impossible to use the face as an anchor point when shooting to the right without moving one's legs. Shooting ahead was also difficult. Surprisingly, shooting behind was not has hard as I imagined.

The greatest difficulty I encountered was shooting with a thumb ring with my arrows in the draw hand (as the text suggests). Shooting with arrows in the bow hand was considerably easier.

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