Tuesday 23 February 2016


Some inscriptions found on bows, arrows and quivers, taken from the book, Arab Archery.


More dreaded by the dauntless foe
Than any other warlike blow,
Come the wooden shafts which are
Shot with bows that send them far.
They fell his ranks, line after line,
And shower them with death divine.
Piercing through the shield and mail,
They cause the breath of life to fail.

* * *

It falls to me to wield the bow and bend its limbs,
Though in the act of death my arrow far excels it;
For if to slay the foeman marks a weapon's rank,
What can surpass that one which pierces through him?

* * *

Elegant in form and wonderful in structure!
When such a thing is sought, the Arab bow is found.
If enemies approach, it welcomes them with arrows,
Laden with death and bearing fear and awe.
Such is the Arab bow, with victory bound of God;
His holy writ and revelation with its arrows spreading.


An arrow from a warrior,
Shot at an unbeliever,
Counts more than many prayers
Said by a pious hermit.


I am full of fatal arrows;
My merchandise is death and pain.
Learn by what thou hast seen of me.
I am the blight of the wide world.

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